- 嗯,就像花语有很多版本一样,“花语”的翻译也有很多种,我列举常见的几种:
出自Frederic Shoberl (1834, English) :The Language of Flowers
出自Henry Phillips (1825, English): Floral Emblems
出自Elizabeth WG Wirt (1829, U.S.): Flora's Dictionary
这样回答够了吗? 银杏 ginkgo 芍药 paeony 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 辛夷 violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌 christmas cactus 玫瑰 rose 郁金香 tulip 茶花 common camelia 千日红 common globeamaranth 非洲堇 african...
may 燕子花Iris laevigata;Kakitsubata;Rabbitear Iris;Shallowflowered Iris 花柄stalk;flower stalk;pedicel;floral shoot 彼岸花Higan Bana;Flower on the Other Shor...
雏菊,Daisy,花语:隐藏爱情;桔梗花,Balloon flower,花语:真诚不变的爱;白玫瑰,White rose,花语:我足以与你相配;熏衣草,lavender,花语:等待爱情;时钟花,The clock flower,花语:爱在你身边;狗尾巴草,D...